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Fast-Track Your ISTQB ATA Exam Success

Exam number/code: ATA

Release/Update Date: 12 Mar, 2025

Number of Questions: Maximum of 40 Questions

Exam Name: Advanced Test Analyst

Exam Duration: 120 Minutes

Related Certification(s): ISTQB Technical Test Analyst,

ISTQB ATA Exam Dumps can give your Preparation a boost

Salary and Job opportunities:

The ISTQB ATA (Advanced Test Analyst) certification opens doors to various exciting job opportunities in the software testing and quality assurance domain. With this certification, you can expect to find roles such as Senior Test Analyst, Test Lead, or Quality Assurance Manager. These positions are in high demand across the globe, with a particular focus on tech hubs like the United States, especially California and New York, and European countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden.

The salary expectations for ISTQB ATA-certified professionals vary depending on the country and the specific role. On average, Senior Test Analysts can earn anywhere from $70,000 to $120,000 annually in the US, while Test Leads and QA Managers may command salaries ranging from $80,000 to $150,000. European markets offer competitive packages as well, with Senior Test Analysts earning around €50,000 to €80,000 and QA Managers potentially making up to €100,000 per year. These figures provide a rough estimate, and actual salaries can be influenced by factors like experience, company size, and the specific industry.